Each year, the PSC schedules a pastel show for which only its members are eligible. Alternating annually between a Front Range and a Western Slope venue, the Members Show provides visitors with a chance to view paintings by new members and anticipate seeing work by well-known and highly acclaimed professionals. As with all artwork sold through PSC shows, the commission collected by the organization is used to fund cash awards for artists in future exhibitions.
8/4- 8/25, 2023 at The Art Center of Western Colorado, Grand Junction, CO
Judge Doug Dawson (show is not juried), Co-Chairs Susie Roehm & Deb Mallory
Best of Show
“Reds, Blues, VWs” by Jeff Slemons
Associate Member Category
FIRST PLACE “Twin Lakes” by Michael Roe
SECOND PLACE “Snowy Gray” by Michelle Mitchell
THIRD PLACE “Over the water” by Cheryl Browder
HONORABLE MENTION “Thicket” by Jennifer Riefenberg
HONORABLE MENTION “Bashful” by Pamm Iannazzo
Signature/Master Signature Category
FIRST PLACE “January Jewels” by Nancy Wylie
SECOND PLACE “Weight of the Peonies” by Sarah StGeorge
THIRD PLACE “Valley Aspens” by Barbara Churchley
HONORABLE MENTION “Big Sur Pines” by Wayne Vigil
HONORABLE MENTION “Marrakech Market” by Lydia Pottoff