DATE: September 28, 2024
TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (please note the later time)
WHERE: Eagle River Preserve-Eagle Valley Land Trust. Please note: the location has changed from Minturn to Edwards, CO.
Address: Approximately at mile marker 165.5 on US Hwy 6 in Edwards, CO 81632. You may need to use your GPS for the exact location. Exit off I-70 at Edwards, then the Edwards Access Rd to Hwy 6 and take a right. Please see map and additional information:
MEET: We’ll meet in the lower parking lot near the restrooms.
FEE: None
DESCRIPTION: The Eagle River Preserve is a 72 acre parcel of land, owned by Eagle County and heralded as the community of Edwards’ “Central Park”. From the parking lot, looking west, or to the left as you face the river, there are several small ponds still enough to reflect a loose grouping of trees. From here you can also see the profile of distant mountains. Heading east, or to the right as you face the river, you may discover chamisa still in bloom, a splendid show of fall color and texture from the aspen, oak, shrubs and hillside grasses. Perhaps you will catch a glimpse of an old building in the distance. And of course, to the north there is the river, happily flowing around colorful boulders. This is a favored place to paint by our Central Colorado artists and a wonderful spot to get together with our East, West and Central Colorado friends. Please note: dogs are allowed if they are on a leash.
RSVP: Please RSVP!!!! If something unexpected comes up we may need to contact you.
Karen Morjig: 503-956-0130;;
Katherine Fulton: 703-309-0740;