interviews with members

A different kind of “AI” = Artist Interview
This is the first in a series, which might be monthly, that the Pastel Society of Colorado will feature one of our artist members to showcase their process, studio and work.

Artwork by Peg Oswald
Aug 17, 2024
Peg spent her career in education – she taught at the elementary school level for 27 years in both New York state and Colorado.   After her retirement in 1999, Peg felt the creative urge and started taking classes in 2-D art at the Art Center in Grand Junction.  Fate stepped in when she took a class in pastels with Sara Oakley and she fell in love with the medium.  She ended up joining the Pastel Society of Colorado about 20 years ago, and since that initial exposure to pastels in the class with Ms. Oakley, she has participated in pastel workshops with Barbara Churchley,...
Art by Mike Ray #1
Jul 28, 2024
Mike was born and raised in Colorado. In the beginning, he painted those places that he loved because of the memories associated with them. As he continued to grow as an artist, he became more drawn to the quality of light in Colorado and the west. He loves dissecting the light and the dark within warm and cool shadows creating a push-pull that lures him into every painting. It has become impossible for him to look at things without noticing the quality of light that defines his surroundings.