The PSC Needs You!
The Pastel Society of Colorado depends on volunteers to deliver the shows, the workshops, demos and all the great experiences members appreciate. Consider giving back while making or deepening lasting friendship with like-minded artists. A host of positions will be needed in the coming year.
Mile Hi Exhibition 2026 Needs YOU NOW!
Mile Hi 2026 support team: Choose to be a Workshop Chair, Awards Chair, or Marketing Chair. All activities are explained on the detailed timeline. Examples are in the DropBox.
Volunteer organizations need volunteers to make it run. Raise your hand! We want you! Contact Show Co-Chairs, Shelly Brown, Shelly@alayainteriors.com or Kevin Szuch, kevinjszuch@gmail.com to volunteer for this prestigious show in 2026.
Other crucial positions still open
Western Slope Co-VP: Susie Safranek-Roehm is looking for a Co-VP
Historical Chair: (to replace Judy Sprague)
For these positions, please contact Nicole Huggins with questions OR the current chairs for a more detailed description of the role & responsibilities. OR contact Nicole (please) if you will accept one of these volunteer positions! You are SO needed, and you will enjoy being part of PSC’s continued vibrancy. 303.880.5794, nicolehuggins@comcast.net
You can also sign up directly through Signup if you might be interested in volunteering for any of these Officer and Chair positions, by clicking here or copying into your browser the link at https://signup.com/go/VQntbss